Crowds Demand Alternative to Fan Coils

Everyone knows how much heat computers generate. The PC in your home is probably enough to heat your living room through the Winter without additional heating bills. Imagine a full room of computers and the people to operate them. This is a scenario screaming for a computer room air conditioner.

There are many alternative cooling systems to consider. Open your windows and doors. You could simply drink more water. You could add ice to your water. Wave a magazine’s long edge in front of your face. Put a wet, cold wash rag on your face. Plug in a fan. Add a wet washcloth to the back side of the fan for a makeshift swamp cooler.

Any of these might be adequate if you were alone, but once you assemble a group of people these options diminish in their returns. A crowd of people would certainly generate far too much heat for any of these cooling alternatives to be satisfying to anyone. Throw a few computers into a metal trailer and add a few people for a boiling mixture. You know this is an impossible scenario for the alternatives mentioned above.

Now imagine cooling all these people at an outdoor event. You would have to have very efficient outdoor cooling. Fan coils would not meet the bill. The way they move air is just not good enough for the mass that requires cooling. There are new technologies that handle any of these scenarios elegantly. For instance, is a great place to start to learn about the newest alternatives for cooling.