A Great Way to Transform a House into Your Home
Posted By: Medallion Depot
Part of most people’s goals in life is to own a nice home in a nice neighborhood where they can grow old and raise a family in a pleasant and vibrant location. While great suburban communities have been developed to house families with these goals in mind, most real estate developers have misunderstood having a common theme in aspirations as conformity. As such, most homes in planned communities are done almost identically which removes the personality from individual homes. In these settings, going home can feel like you’re not coming to YOUR home but rather, you are coming to a generic house.
The easiest way to remedy this dehumanizing sensation of living in a generic box is to do inexpensive but very expressive and eye catching improvements to your home’s design. A good way to break the design monotony of solid tile floors or repetitive pattern wooden designed floors is to insert a medallion inlay to the design.
Flooring medallions are design elements that give the eye a centerpiece to focus on and to break the sense of monotony in floor design. A properly placed and creatively thought out medallion inlay can help add personality to an otherwise generic home.
Having good floor design does not just improve the visual appeal of your floor but also adds improved perception of space especially if paired with a good selection of wall and furniture colors and designs. With good design, any house can become your home.
Article provided by Medallion Depot. Medallion Depot offers a wide selection of compass medallion and other floor medallion designs to choose from.