Lighting Allowances for Front Doors

Your front door serves as the entry point to your home. It’s not only the first thing that people will see when visiting your home but it’s also a potential source of beauty inside of your home. Along with its own aesthetic appeal, a front door can help you to add natural light to your home and make your interior space look brighter.

Whether you have a wooden, metal or fiberglass door, you can add glass features to it and allow it to bring natural light into your front room. Not only will this brighten up your home but this also lets you safely look outside from your front door without having to crack the door or use the peephole. Using frosted glass gives you an extra sense of security by limiting the ability to people from the outside to look in.

Glass can be placed several different places to provide natural light for your front door. You can add it directly to the panel of your door, added on windows placed over the door (known as transoms) or in sidelight panels next to the main door. Using transoms will not only provide additional primary light for the front room but also add to the light flowing from the entryway into other rooms in the house.

Door panels can have several additional features. Some panels have special low emissivity coatings that filter out ultraviolet rays that can damage furniture. Other panels have in-glass blinds that can be adjusted to protect the glass from dirt.

Bio: Eto Doors provided this guest blog posting. The Eto Doors website has thousands of interior and exterior doors on sale at affordable prices. Visit it to browse the site’s selection and read Eto Doors reviews.

How Strand Bamboo Flooring is Great for the Environment

Written by: Quick Home Tips

If you’ve chosen bamboo flooring for your home, the decision was no doubt influenced by how beautiful the finished product looks. You may have also chosen it for how unique the floor is compared to traditional options. Whatever your decision, one of the best reasons to choose bamboo flooring is because of how good it is for the environment.

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on the entire planet. This means, unlike hardwood floors, your purchase of bamboo flooring is not having a negative impact on an ecological system somewhere.

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What’s more, bamboo is a pioneering plant, which means it has no problem starting out in soil that would not be able to support other plants. In this way, bamboo is great for the environment because it can do more with less and turn poor soil into great soil, just by growing there.

Lastly, if you’re using strand bamboo flooring you’re taking part in a pretty amazing example of recycling. Stand bamboo is simply the leftover byproduct from processing the plant into floor panels. These leftover pieces are ground into a fine powder and then put under extreme pressure and heat, eventually forming panels of their own. But don’t worry, they retain the bamboo flooring hardness you’re looking for in your choice.

Bamboo flooring has a lot going for it, not the least of which is that it’s tremendous for the environment.

Saving the Earth

With the surface area of cities slowly getting smaller and smaller, most companies are deciding to build up rather than build out. With the rise of apartments and condominiums that need to cater to the growing number of people looking for houses, the sizes of these apartments are getting smaller and smaller.  With less space at one’s disposal many amenities a normal house would contain now has to be taken out. This poses apartment owners with a serious conundrum: “Which amenities should I remove?” Freezers can always be integrated with the refrigerator and refrigerators can always get smaller. Stoves can be done away with as the microwave and toaster oven can still be viable options for cooking.

What most people seem to take out is their washing machine. With the availability of Laundromats, most opt to have their laundry done there, rather than at home. There is an added hassle to this as it would require one to lug their dirty clothes around town to the Laundromat. No one has to do that anymore with the availability of the small washing machine and even the portable washing machine! A person with a small apartment can still be able to do their own laundry within the comfort of their homes with the advent of these convenient and great appliances. Gone are the days of bringing your dirty laundry through a couple of blocks when one gets a small washing machine or a portable washing machine now!


Article submitted by The Laundry Alternative, trusted providers of the compact washing machine.

Energy Efficient Doors

Installing new exterior doors in your house is a surefire way to increase its curb appeal and potentially its property value. But did you know that putting in new doors can also save you money in the long run? This is because, in many cases, newer doors will lead to big savings in how much you have to pay to heat and cool your home. By installing new, energy efficient doors in your home, you can keep your home comfortable, attractive and reduce your energy costs.

In order to make sure that you are getting the most energy efficient doors possible, look for doors that are ENERGY STAR qualified. The ENERGY STAR program is run by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to encourage homeowners to use products that are energy efficient, and this extends to doors. In fact, you might even be eligible for a tax credit if you purchase and install ENERGY STAR qualified exterior doors in your home.

Along with the ENERGY STAR qualification, there are several other distinguishing features that are common with highly energy efficient doors. They tend to have insulating glass that is double or even triple paned to reduce the flow of heat. They are made with core interior materials that are designed to be as energy efficient as possible. This can include wood cladding, steel or fiberglass. And energy efficient doors have improved weather stripping — in cases with magnetic strips to ensure a tight fit.

When combined with energy efficient windows and skylights, ENERGY STAR qualified doors can reduce a family’s energy bills by seven percent or more each year. Combined with the ability to reduce your carbon footprint, installing an energy efficient door is a choice that makes sense.

This special article was provided by Eto Doors. Eto Doors has a wide range of ENERGY STAR-rated doors available for purchase. See more or browse Eto Doors reviews.

Quick Facts About Bamboo Floors

When looking for a new floor, you face more options than ever before. From ceramic tile to marble to carpet, each carries a wide variety of choices. One option many don’t know about is bamboo. The legendary East Asian material can be cut and modified to make flooring just as easily as traditional wood floor options are. If you’re interested in high quality bamboo flooring, keep reading for more information.

While it’s been used for thousands of years, here in the West bamboo has only been utilized for floors going on about a decade. In that time, however, the materials and techniques involved have been perfected. So you shouldn’t worry that by picking bamboo you’ll somehow be one of the first guinea pigs.

One of the many reasons people choose bamboo flooring is its durability. Obviously, the plant itself is renowned for how strong and tough it can be. But that being said, natural bamboo flooring, even with a finish over it, will still need regular care and maintenance just like any other option.

There are two main ways bamboo flooring is installed. You can either nail it down or glue it to the wood or concrete sub-floor below. The two options are very different and will ultimately affect how you prepare the sub-floor. As such, if you’re not particularly handy, it may be best to hire a professional.


Keeping Cool this Summer

When summer hits and temperatures rise, there is nothing better than knowing you have air conditioning ready to help keep you cool. Lacking this modern amenity can make spring, summer and even parts of fall thoroughly unenjoyable. Let’s review what your home needs to keep you cool and comfortable.

The easiest way to stay cool inside is with an air conditioning system that runs through the house and dispenses cool air through vents. With a few buttons pressed, your home can immediately be a cool reprieve from the hot outdoors.

If that’s not an option, you should consider portable ac units which will help keep your home cool one room at a time. In fact, even if you can afford or already have a home air conditioning system, you might want to consider the portable alternative. Often you can save money simply by cooling the room or rooms you’re in, rather than paying to have the whole place serviced.

While staying cool inside is great, it’s important to get outdoors as well. You have all winter to stay inside and avoid the merciless cold. With the right outdoor cooling unit, you can enjoy the great outdoors while keeping cool at the same time. Options include everything from misters to conventional fans and portable units designed to function outdoors. Just because the season says it needs to be hot doesn’t mean you have to be.


Article submitted by MovinCool. The company makes portable air conditioner products and is one of the largest advanced automotive technology, systems and components manufacturers on the planet.

Extended Vacations at Home

This guest post provided by Sensa.

You wake up today in your same old house with the same old fixtures, the same old furniture, and maybe you just thought to yourself, “I think I need a little change in my life.” You may opt to look for a short vacation just to get yourself away from it all, but who says that change has to be somewhere away from your home?

People don’t realize that a change in your living environment can drastically change the way you live your life, and it will definitely last much longer than a vacation. Some people like to spend their time in the kitchen and cooking up their own meals, kitchen remodeling would be perfect as replacing your old tools or just simply cooking in a different space can be enough change to revitalize you. Bathroom remodeling is also another popular choice as we spend a majority of our time doing our business in the bathroom. Your own home is a place where you can pamper yourself with life’s little luxuries, and why not make your vacation permanent, or at least until the next time you need a vacation.

The great thing about remodeling is that the process can be just as enjoyable as the result. Choosing what goes in and out of your living space can be an exercise of your creativity and taste. You get to choose what matches your personality, or you can get the things that you feel would make your life easier.

DIY Floor Heating

Floor heating is a dream many homeowners have, but few ever pursue. It’s a pity, because having electric floor heat greet your every step is one of the few joys you may get to experience during a frigid winter. However, thanks to modern technology, many homeowners might reconsider. Nowadays, floor heating can be handled without a skilled professional.

While you don’t need a professional, it’s best to have some DIY projects under your belt. But a basic understanding of wiring and experience tiling will come in handy. As with any projects involving electricity, it’s best to have an electric inspection agency take a look at your home before proceeding and give you any advice they have on the project.

That being said, handling the project on your own can make it extremely affordable. And what you get for your money, many would say, is invaluable. Imagine, for example, walking out of your shower and onto a nice warm floor. Or think about how nice it would be to take off your boots after shoveling the driveway and having a heated floor thaw your feet. These are modern amenities that everyone can now enjoy, thanks to DIY floor heating.

If you had previously put off heated floors because you thought the cost would be out of your budget, take another look. So long as you have some proficiency with renovation, heated floors could be an option.


Article submitted by RDPSoft Company. They have over 17 years of experience and can help you realize your dream of having a hydronic heating system in your home.

The Future of Washing Your Clothes is Compact

It would be tough to make it through modern life without our washing machines. For many of us, it’s almost impossible imagining what it would be like without them. But just because we need their services, doesn’t mean we have to put up with some of their shortcomings. Continue reading to find out the alternative way many people  dry their clothes (hint: it’s not by hanging them up in the sun).

One disadvantage to washing machines is how much room they need. They’re generally not an option for those of us who live in average-sized apartments. That’s why compact washing machines can be such a blessing. Even if you live in a studio apartment, these washing machines are an option.

Another great thing about their size is it makes them a portable washing machine. You certainly can’t travel with the conventional behemoths we’re all used to.

As they’re so small, they can also only take on small loads. But to many of us this is a real advantage. How many times have you found yourself in need of an outfit to be cleaned, but didn’t have a load big enough to justify using the washing machine? So you either have to waste money and water on the one outfit or simply decide to wear something else.

The future of getting your clothes clean is here with smaller washing machines that can produce the same results with far less resources.  _____________________________________________________________________

Article submitted by The Laundry Alternative. They sell small washing machine models as well as other alternatives to conventional washers and dryers.

The Two Types of Medallions

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to see a medallion used in home décor, you know how stunning it can be. Often it even takes you by surprise. But depending on which kind you saw, you might not be aware the other exists. Keep reading to find out about medallions that are used in floors and for backsplashes.

A floor medallion is probably the most common one you’ll see. It’s generally a geometric design inside a circle or square made out of tile, marble or even hardwood. Generally, the materials used to make a floor medallion are the same as the ones that were used on the rest of the floor. So, for example, you don’t often see a marble medallion resting I a hardwood floor.

The other type is a backsplash medallion. These medallions are perfect for taking a functional feature everyone needs, a backsplash in their kitchen, and making it stand out as decoration. When used as backsplashes, medallions are often made out of tile to make cleaning them easy and giving them the durability they need.

 A third medallion could be considered wall medallions. Unlike the other two, however, these generally aren’t inlayed into the material. Instead, they’re simply a geometric design made out of one of the common materials that hangs on a wall like a portrait. Although they may not be the traditional kind of medallion, they still look great.


Article submitted by Medallion Depot. The online store specializes in marble floor medallions as well as those made out of other materials.

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